copyright: writter BEWARE of carrying fake goods from famous brands. There so many stories among women who just landed at the international airport. The fake bag that they use was confiscated by the officers. It’s still okay if the officers just take the stuffs, but sometimes the stuffs are destroyed in front of them. Supervision of counterfeit goods is getting tighter nowadays. Especially in Europe, the company does education including to the officers at the airport so they are able to identify a genuine or fake goods. Louis Vuitton, according to various records, is the brand that got replica the most. Although the quality of counterfeit goods is getting more sophisticated-sometimes difficult for those unfamiliar with the world of consumption to distinguish it from the original-the store clerk can certainly differentiate. There is a story, a woman from Asia ( I can’t say where is she from) shopping at a famous brand boutique in Singapore. The bag she was wearing was or...