Grade Of Replica Stuffs

fake replica market

Have you heard heard the term "If there is cheap why buy expensive"? Well, maybe that's why fake goods which is often called replica stuff is booming nowadays. Because the reality is.. they even more sold fast than the original goods.

Lifestyle. People always wants to look cool in front of other. But sometimes they force themselves to get it. Some people want to have an expensive, cool items but they don't have a lot of money to buy, eventually consumers willing to buy similar goods but cheaper. See at a large market prospect, then manufacturers are trying to make similar items that can be sold cheaper to scoop up the market and a bigger profit.

do you know? replica stuffs just not any replicas. Replica goods also have levels. Maybe you are also familiar with the terms replica 1:1, replica AAA, and other replica. But do you know the difference? Now AUTHENTIC VS FAKE will tell you the grade of replica stuffs.

1. Authentic Grade Replica or 1:1
Authentic Grade Replica is under one level of the original/authentic goods. Sometimes these items are also derived from goods reject goods that do not meet the standards and do not pass the quality control. Actually companies usually have a rule if the goods do not meet the standards must be destroyed and can not sold anymore.

But not all authentic grade replica stuff is a reject item. Indeed there are factories that successfully imitate the goods very well even until someone pocketed the certificate of authenticity, or serial number, or the original hologram, also has details, knick-knacks, even the exact brand prints with the original.

For example for a bag or sandal usually has a neat stitching and also wear genuine leather if it is made from leather. Comfortable to wear and the colors do not easily fade. This class of goods are usually sold quite expensive. Anyway it's like really authentic!

2. Replica AAA
This super AAA replica goods is still under authentic. It's just that the appearance managed to imitate, similar. But the materials used are cheaper, for example the original goods using sheepskin then Replica AAA goods using cowhide.

3. Replica AA 
These quality items usually only imitate the outside only, not on the inside. Suppose the original bag in it made from velvet, super replica bag made from normal canvas. It's usually different in the material, the material can be more rough, but if you just see it will not get the difference.

4. Top Quality ReplicaWell, if for this item the material for the many items are replaced. For example sheep skin replaced with cowhide. The use of cowhide is also not used all parts of the bag. For example only on the handle handbag wrote. The rest using imitation leather.

5.  Good Quality ReplicaAlthough it can be fairly neat, the good quality replica has quality under the replica A. The good quality replica focuses on shapes that are made to resemble but do not pay attention to material quality. "For example, if the sandals, preserved clearly different even though the exact same shape. If the original can used for many years, but for this replica.. at least a few months.

6. Cheap Quality Replica
If the goods cheap quality replica made from cheap materials. The materials are deliberately chosen to reduce production costs. The quality is below good quality replica and usually also more quickly damaged. The level of resemblance is only a little bit, in fact can not say similar. Once you see you know right away that it's a fake item. No wonder the price is also usually cheaper.


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